As of April 1, 20222, Northeast Property Group is offering all our condominium association homeowners and their representative Boards a private password protected Members-Only site which allows homeowners to view and pay their assessments, change personal information, download private Association documents, submit maintenance and architectural variance requests and more. If you previously used an account and password to access your account, you’ll need to re-activate your account on the new website.

Have a question or need help? Be sure to check out the help page here! Still have a question, please give us a call.


If you already know your User Name and Password, please click the Log On button.

NOTE: As of April 1, there is a new homeowner’s portal that requires activation. Your previous account number and password will no longer work. If you need assistance with activate your account, please call the office.

This portal allows access to your Association’s documents and notices, check balance & ledger history, update contact information, and board members have access to board report packets, voting and reviewing other requests.