Capital Project Oversight in Stonington Borough

For Immediate Release Capital Project Stonington Borough Stonington Borough, CT: Northeast Property Group announced today that it is overseeing a multi-phased $6.3 million capital project for the Stonington Yacht Club, Stonington Commons and Trumbull Atwood Condominium Associations in the historic Stonington Borough, located in Stonington, CT. Phase I of the capital project's construction [...]

By |2016-10-25T18:17:24-04:00December 30th, 2013|Latest News|Comments Off on Capital Project Oversight in Stonington Borough

New Management Accounts

If you own commercial or residential property and seeking new management, take a close look at the services that Northeast Property Group can offer. […]

By |2016-10-25T18:17:25-04:00December 2nd, 2010|Latest News|Comments Off on New Management Accounts
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